Our host farm for October has been one really interesting experience so far.
OverThere Farm (as it is called) is a post-organic, self-sufficient farm, which means that most of what they eat is grown (or slaughtered...) here. We have been welcomed by the Graaf family; Jerry, Marcella, Mirte (15 yrs) and Femke (10 yrs) who are also homeschooled. Mirte also maintains a blog on their own farm's activities, have a look here:
We shared our first week with another volunteer from Germany, Marina Liebhart. We've been settling into the daily farm life routine, and have been busy with lots of chores and projects (which I will post about in the near future).
A view of the fields and house.
Plowing in preparation for potato planting.
The massive vegetable garden.
The path leading to the volunteers' sleeping quarters.