Sunday, May 17, 2015

Autumn Picnic in the Apricot Orchards

Here in the Kammanassie, we have been right in the middle of the yearly, wonder-filled time called autumn, which pass so quickly that if you're not careful you might just miss it. To celebrate Mother's Day (but also just because we have this cool opportunity to live on a farm for a while, surrounded by orchards), we decided to go on a picnic between the apricot trees. After everyone made their own sandwiches in the kitchen, we 'romped' over to the bright yellow apricot orchard and had our little lunch there.

A few days before the picnic, everything was still mostly green.

But then, from yellow and green...

To yellow and brown.

Two good things combined - family in nature.
 A little bit of sunshine.

It was fantastic, as it was not too cold but not too hot either, the sun came out a few times to light up the hordes of fluttering 'butterflies' around us, and the sandwiches were very tasty.

My always-willing (extremely handsome) young model - adventurous brother Maarten.

My other younger brother Theuns prefers to hide. He also picked the greenest tree for some reason.

I just love this picture - every tree is a battle-ship these days... 


Next week will have some more autumn photos from a newly discovered little town called Twee Riviere,  so stay tuned...


  1. Die fotos is verrklik. Wens ek was daar en wonder of die omgewing se mense nog die skoonheid raaksien. Dis wonderlik dat jy dit vasgevang het in woord en beeld.

  2. Dit is absoluut verruklik! Wens ek was daar. Wonder of die omgewing se mense nog die skoonheid raaksiek. Dankie dat jy dit in woord en beeld vasgevang het.

    1. Elna, Jy kry dit reg om `n storie te vertel met die kamera. Die reeks fot's hierbo is `n opstel! Ek kan dit nie doen nie.

    2. Baie dankie oupa - dit is 'n groot kompliment, ek waardeer dit baie.


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