Saturday, August 16, 2014

Feedback We Received So Far

After the choices were made, an email was sent out to friends and family. Here are some responses:

"You have our full support! It's wow."

"Wow, you are going to do what the rest of us talk and dream about. You guys are amazing."

"That sounds SO exciting! Enjoy every moment, every challenge and every victory!"

"That sound so amazingly exciting!! I am glad you have the opportunity to do something like this. Hope you get lots of life-experience out of it."

"We support you in this difficult decision and know that you had thought it out well. I am sure you will see it through successfully!"

"Wow, what an exciting and different time that waits for you! In the words of the traditional Gaellic blessing from my good old friend Ireland:

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand…"

"We'd love to follow you! May the packing and planning go well!"

"May you see and meet God everywhere on the road, and introduce Him to others as well! Go on His wings of grace!!"

"It's wonderful to see this on black and white... It makes it feel real! We look forward with you to the journey with multiple goals! We know it's going to be awesome! What a privilege!"

"It sounds fantastic!! I hope you are richly blessed on your travels and believe you will be a big blessing for all the other people you will meet as well. There are a lot of people that do this in Australia. It sounds like a fantastic experience. I will want to follow."

"Wow, that is indeed an adventure with new challenges. Wish you as a family the best for your future plans."

"I will definitely follow your adventure.... Make a few cartwheels, or should we leave that to Theuns?"

"We pray that the the Angel of the Lord will make a circle around you and that there will be so many memories! We pray for a new revelation of His plans and dreams for each of you and the wisdom and insight of how to unfold it. Enjoy every moment."

1 comment:

  1. Dis 'n wonderlike avontuur wat voorlê. Omdat julle dit so positief aanpak en organiseer maak jul dit makliker vir ons om te aanvaar. Maar dat ek julle gaan mis is feite......


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